We have compiled frequently asked questions from past years and answered them here. Feel free to check them out, and if you still have unanswered questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
General Questions
How much does the IFP cost?
IFP students pay an initial deposit plus program fee (curently estimated to total $5,150) plus regular UGA in-state tuition and fees (student activity and health fees can be waived for the summer). The IFP program fee covers nearly all meals, transportation, park admission fees, and educational materials for the whole semester. The IFP can cost even less than a semester on campus! See our Program Cost page for further explanation.
Does HOPE/Zell cover tuition? Are there program scholarships?
Yes, the HOPE and Zell Miller scholarships cover tuition at the same rates they do for on-campus courses. And yes, there are program scholarships you can apply for to help cover trip expenses. See our Scholarships page for some available opportunities.
What are the trip dates?
The trip runs for two months June-July. See our current itinerary for the exact dates of the upcoming program.
When is the application deadline?
Student applications are due Dec. 1st. See our Application page for instructions. We can sometimes accept late applications. If you are interested in the IFP after the deadline, contact us to see if space is available for the summer.
Can students from other universities participate?
Yes, we can accept students from other schools. Non-UGA students will have to enter UGA as a summer transient and then transfer credit back to their home institutions. Most schools accept our courses as transfer credit.
Can high school seniors apply to the program?
Yes, you can apply as a high school senior and participate in the summer as a rising first-year student at UGA.
How many students participate each summer?
Our usual enrollment is about 20 students.
How many faculty/staff travel with the program?
A typical number would include 3-4 instructors and 5-8 support staff (trip leaders and cooks) at any given time. Generally program faculty rotate in and out during the summer, while the staff team does the entire trip with the students.
Do you have an orientation session before the trip?
Yes, we host an orientation picnic in the spring (usually a Saturday afternoon in early April). All prospective students and their parents are invited, and many former students and staff attend.
How have you kept this program going for over 30 years?
Running the IFP is a labor of love! Since the beginning in 1988, we have had the constant support of the UGA Geology Department and Honors College.
Academic Questions
What courses does the IFP offer?
We offer introductory level courses in Geology, Anthropology, and Ecology. Upper level courses are also available. There are no prerequisites for the IFP. Students earn 11-15 credit hours on the program. See our Academics page for details.
Do I have to take classes in all three disciplines?
Yes, Anthropology, Ecology, and Geology are integrated in all lectures and activities. We require participants to register for at least one course in each subject.
Is PE credit possible?
Yes, IFP students can register for the online Fitness for Life Walking course (PEDB 1950E) and use hikes during the summer to fulfill the physical activity portion of the course. A fitness tracker is required.
How are we graded?
Grades are generally based on keeping a field notebook, projects and reports, and exams. There are four essay-style exams during the program.
Will I be able to enjoy the trip with the course workload?
The IFP is a serious college semester with a heavy workload, but it is also a fun camping and hiking trip. If you are interested the natural sciences, love the outdoors, and are willing to work hard, you will enjoy the program immensely!
Questions we often get from parents
How often will I be able to talk to my son/daughter during the trip?
You will be able to talk regularly without a problem. There are some locations without cell phone service, however. In areas with weak signal, texting often works better than trying to make a call. We do keep everyone busy during the day, so expect to communicate in the evenings.
Can I send care packages?
Yes, and students love getting them! We receive mail via General Delivery about once per week, at pre-determined post offices. We will announce these locations prior to trip departure.
Can I keep track of the group's location?
Yes you can! We carry a satellite tracking device, and our current location will be visible at all times. We'll share a link to our location map prior to departure.
Can I meet up with the group at some point?
Yes, we welcome visitors! We’ve had many parents and friends meet up with the group over the years, often during a day off or to join us on a hike. Please let us know your plans ahead of time, so we know you’re coming.
What are the sleeping arrangements?
Students sleep in their individual tents. Depending on the location, some also choose to sleep in a hammock or to pull out a ground cloth and sleep under the stars. IFP faculty and staff are always on site.
How do students change by the end of the summer?
Our students come home with a tremendous sense of accomplishment as well as improved self-discipline and teamworking skills. They are equipped with a greater awareness of the physical and cultural resources of the United States and a fresh perspective on many of the environmental issues our country is facing.
They also might find it a bit strange to sleep in a bed for the first time in two months.
More Questions!
How do we travel from place to place?
We caravan in 12-passenger vans driven by UGA faculty/staff. A box truck carries our camping gear separately.
What is a typical day on the IFP?
Every day is different! Days typically run 6am-9pm (wake-up to bedtime) and could include class lectures/discussions and activities such as a hike, museum tour, drive to a new location, or field project.
Do we get time off?
Yes, our itinerary includes a day off in a new town (e.g. Flagstaff, San Francisco, Bozeman) about once per week.
Do we really camp the entire trip?
There are about 5 nights at the beginning of the trip we spend in dorm rooms at the UGA Marine Institute on Sapelo Island. After that we camp out every night! Campgrounds range from developed (with hot showers and laundry facilities) to primitive (no running water and pit toilets). Don't worry if you're not an experience camper - you will learn fast and become accustomed to the outdoor lifestyle!
Will we be backpacking?
We do not backpack or camp without access to our vehicles. At no time do we carry all the things we need to camp with us while hiking! This is a car camping trip only.
What will we be eating? Can you accommodate dietary restrictions?
IFP staff purchase groceries and plan the meals, while students help with kitchen chores. We will accommodate dietary requests and restrictions (allergies, vegetarian/vegan, etc). As for the meals, breakfasts are usually served cold, so we can get going quickly in the morning. You'll pack your own lunch (typically sandwiches, fruit, snacks) before breakfast each day, and you can eat it whenever you feel hungry. Dinner is prepared by IFP staff (with student helpers) in camp after the day's activities. Eating dinner together is a camp tradition!
What all do I need to bring with me?
Here’s a list of the clothing and gear we recommend you bring. We are always available to give advice on outdoor clothing and gear selections! Please don't hesitate to ask!
Can I bring a guitar?
Yes, we love having musical instruments in camp! But don't bring anything really valuable, and make sure you have a protective case to help with bangs and bumps during transport.
Can I bring nice electronics like a camera or laptop?
You will have lots of beautiful photo opportunities, so we definitely recommend a camera if you are into photography! Laptops are not necessary, but you are welcome to bring one. (The IFP provides an iPad Mini tablet for each student to use.) If you bring electronics, be prepared to protect them from water, dust, and being bumped around. And keep in mind our only security is a locked van.
Do I need to be in good shape?
Our hikes are planned to build up your acclimatization and endurance during the program. By the time you hike Mount St. Helens, you will be ready for it! Click here for a list of the hikes we do.
How often can we shower?
Usually about every other day - it depends on the location. The longest you’ll go without a shower is about 4 days, but the arid climate makes this a lot easier than it sounds! Don't worry, you'll get used to not showering every day.
Are there toilets???
There's always some kind of toilet in our campground, whether it's a flush toilet or pit toilet (not as bad as they sound!). The only time you'll have to wilderpee is on a long hike.